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Homepage » News» 26 march 2020 г.
All news for 26 march 2020 Sheremetyevo International Airport RAS net profit increased to 20,48 bln rubles in 2019 Bombs reported on board 11 Russian passenger planes Fitch downgraded rating of Moscow Domodedovo Airport to BB from BB+ with a Negative outlook Roscosmos sees no need to postpone ISS crew’s return to Earth over coronavirus Rescuers detected signal from crashed Su-27 away from search zone Russian airlines losses from evacuation flights at 500 mln rbl/day Aeroflot Group Announces Operating Results for February 2020 Russia completing tests of elements of S-500 air defence system Aerobatic group takes to the skies in Moscow to support fight against new coronavirus pandemic Russia suspends air flights with other countries Pilots of Su-25SM3 strike-fighter used the newest sighting-navigation complex "Solt-25" News Archive