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Alexey Rogozin Takes Part in Discussion on Future of Military and Transport Aviation at Aviastar-SP

On November 02 «Aviastar-SP» platform welcomed the visiting session of the State Duma Comission for law provision of development of the UAK organizations, Expert Council of the State Duma for economic policy, industry, innovative development and entrepreneurship of aviation engineering and the Committee of engineering workers union of Russia for aviation industry. 

The discussion involved issues of development of military and transport aviation and in particular execution of effective contracts and budgetary supply for development of perspective samples of aviation engineering. Vice President of the UAC for transport aviation Alexey Rogozin made the main report.

The UAC works on the creation of military and transport series for aviation engineering niche. Serial production of heavy transport aircraft Il-76MD-90A and the new refueller Il-78M-90A is set in Ulianovsk, new light transport aircraft Il-112V and average transport aircraft Il-276 are in the process of developing in Voronezh and future plans include designing of super heavy transport aircraft. 
«Process of active reconstruction is held at «Aviastar-SP», we are preparing for serial production of Il-76-MD-90A production, it is now coming trough tests. We think, that the aircraft will be in a high demand not only in Russian army, but also abroad. But our key customer - Ministry of Defence of Russia. Cooperation with military department is very close, the planning of new state program for armament is now in process», - said Vice President of transport aviation Alexey Rogozin.

He also said, that the decision was made on the deployment of production of average transport aircraft Il-276 at «Aviastar-SP». «We have a task to spend state allocations as efficient as possible and technical lines for a new aircraft to have a maximum shar of unification with the production of Il-76 and Il-78. Basic technical requirements are determined and by the end of the year we are planning to finally approve tactical and technical task for production of the new aircraft», - said Alexey Rogozin.

A significant deferred demand in the area of military and transport aviation, formed by the natural ageing of the existing fleet of transport aircraft presents the UAC with a task for fulfilling demands of market and, above all, needs of Military Space Forces of Russia in new generation transport aircraft. 
«The UAC completes the set of difficult tasks in various fields - civil aviation and everything that concerns transfer to the fifth generation, perspective aircraft. But one of the most ambitious tasks is the design and manufacture of new transport aircraft for replacement of current models of «An» aircraft», - said the first deputy chairman of the State Duma committee for economic policy, industry, innovation development and entrepreneurship, the first Vice President of the Union of engineering workers of Russia Vladimir Gutenev.

To increase the efficiency of aircraft programs managing, business processes administration and decrease of non-production expenses the transport division of the UAC is formed which will include enterprises, working in the area of design and manufacture of transport aircraft. 
The important for the region event was the decision to create the regiment of military and transport aviation on the territory of Ulianovsk region, which will be completed among the others with the newest Il-76MD-90A aircraft of «Aviastar-SP» plant production.

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