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 Stanislav Golubev Meet the Mi-38VeryVIP
25 October 2018
Mi-38 belongs to the niche of medium helicopters according to the classification of the Russian market. Today I will tell you about our modern corporate helicopter - the Very-VIP category Mi-38. Why VVIP, and not just VIP? Because there are very few helicopters of this class in principle in the world. далее
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 Ruaviation Russian Business Aviation Exhibition - RUBAE 2018!
13 September 2018
Today is a special day in the history of development of business aviation in Russia: start of the first International RUBAE 2018 exhibition (Russian Business Aviation Exhibition). Using the experience, traditions and practices of popular Jet Expo, RUBAE brings this indeed central exhibition and forum project of the Russian business aviation to a new and a much higher level. This is evidenced by a number of professional criteria, as well as by a significant increase in the range of opportunities for exhibitors and guests. Generally, today is certainly a historic day. Let us congratulate each other on this! далее
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 Yulia Kuzmina Moscow Cargo Is the Largest Aviation Cargo Complex in Russia
13 April 2018
April 4, 2018, at the Sheremetyevo International Airport the largest cargo complex in Russia, Moscow Cargo was shown to the airlines and agents. Its area is 42,300 sq. m. meters and the capacity is 380,000 tons of cargo per year. далее
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 Alexey Ryzhov Dassault Systèmes - Partner of the Aviation and Space Industries of Russia
15 March 2018
In the engineering center Kinetika in late December, Dassault Systèmes traditionally summed up the results of its work in Russia and the World in the outgoing year 2017. Alexey Ryzhov, Managing Director of Dassault Systèmes in Russia and the CIS, spoke about the company's work with aviation and space industries, results and prospects in an exclusive interview with Aviation EXplorer. далее
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 Yulia Kuzmina Double-stored Train Is Leaving For Vnukovo Airport
30 October 2017
October 27, 2017 Aeroexpress put into operation the first double-stored train produced by the company Stadler. The first train of the new generation began to run along the route "Kiev railway station - Vnukovo airport". At 14:00 the first passengers on the new train went to the airport. And beginning from November 2017, double-stored trains will start transportation of passengers on the route "Paveletsky Railway Station - Domodedovo Airport". The new double-stored structure was made by the Swiss manufacturer specially for the company Aeroexpress. далее
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 Yulia Kuzmina JetExpo 2017 Kicks Off in Moscow
8 September 2017
JetExpo 2017, the annual business aviation show that opened at Moscow Vnukovo Airport. далее
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 Yulia Kuzmina MAKS-2017 - The Most Spectacular Airshow In The World
18 July 2017
The International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2017 opens July 18th. This is the largest and the most spectacular aviation show in the world. Before the grand opening there was held the general rehearsal of the air show program. The aerobatic teams such as Strizhi on MiG-29, Russian Knights on Su-30SM, Al Fursan will take part in the flight program, aircrafts: Su-34, Su-35, T-50, Yak-130, Yak- 152, T-50, SSJ 100 and others and also helicopters Mi-28, Ka-52, Mi-38, Mi-26, Mi-17 Ansat ... далее
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 Alexey Kondratov Anniversary HeliRussia 2017
19 June 2017
In Moscow, the 10th anniversary International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia 2017 began its work. This is the main industry event of the year and the largest exhibition of helicopters and equipment in Europe. далее
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 Mikhail Vakhneev Russian Technoparks Began the «Aero» Trainings For Students
10 May 2017
March 16, 2017 on the basis of the children's technopark "Quantorium", located in the Technopolis "Moscow", started students’ training on the educational course called "Aero". Under this new program, the theoretical and practical foundations of aircraft construction will be comprehended. Training on the program will be held by 30 Moscow schoolchildren from the age of 14 to 17 years. They will thoroughly study the design of the glider, they will be able to independently design and manufacture unmanned aerial vehicles. далее
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 Yulia Kuzmina XII International Futsal Tournament «Civil Aviation Day»
2 March 2017
XII International Futsal Tournament «Civil Aviation Day» took place in HSS "CSKA" on 18-19 February. The team of Almaty airport (Kazakhstan) became the champion of the tournament, second place took the team of Ural Airlines, the third - Minsk civil aviation factory N407 (Belarus), the fourth - Aeroflot - Russian Airlines. далее
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 Elizabeth Kuznetsova, the Kommersant daily newspaper. Lessors for Ilyushin Il-96
16 February 2017
The Russian government is searching for solutions to restart production of the Ilyushin Il-96 wide-body long-haul jetliner, Moscow-based Kommersant daily newspaper writes. Ministries supervising large projects involving local manufacture are asked to come up with a timetable giving exact dates when imported aircraft can be withdrawn from active service and replaced by local substitutes. далее
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 Yulia Kuzmina XI International Business Aviation Exhibition JetExpo 2016
23 January 2017
In the Vnukovo-3 Business Aviation Centre took place the Eleventh International Business Aviation Exhibition JetExpo 2016 from 8 to 10 September 2016. The international JetExpo exhibition is one of the most important annual events in the field of business aviation in Russia and the CIS countries which gives a unique chance to representatives of this industry to meet on a common platform for discussion of prospects of development and the conclusion of new contracts. далее
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 Roman Gusarov, Yulia Kuzmina Innovative Boeing in perspective Skolkovo
30 December 2016
Boeing has announced the opening of the newest Aviation Training and Research Centre, located on the territory Skolkovo. On the basis of the new centre Boeing specialists in cooperation with Russian scientists will conduct projects in Civil Aviation. далее
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 Vladimir Karnozov Lessors to boost Superjet sales
29 December 2015
Following issuance, in October 2015, of a renewed business plan for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100), a number of governmental and commercial structures have reported their readiness to support the project. Ilyushin Finance Co. (IFC), a member in the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and the largest lessor of Russian-made aircraft, is one of those who are eager to help the manufacturer place used and new airframes with airline customers. далее
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 Vladimir Karnozov Ilyushin Finance: plans for Paris and beyond
17 June 2015
Interview with Alexander Roubtsov, general director with Ilyushin Finance Co. (IFC). далее