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 Rostec Seven facts about PD-14
12 July 2017
At the end of last year tests of the latest Russian aviation PD-14 engine on the flying Il-76LL laboratory which experts called "an event of exclusive importance" have begun. What is the uniqueness of this engine and why it was called the most important Russian project in the field of civil aviation over the past 30 years? Seven facts about PD-14 will help clearing it up. далее
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 Yulia Kuzmina I’ve Seen It Fly!!!
21 June 2017
May 28, 2017 the maiden flight of a new passenger aircraft MC-21-300 took place at the airport of Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a subsidiary of PJSC Irkut Corporation (as part of the UAC). The duration of the flight was 30 minutes, it passed at an altitude of 1000 meters at a speed of 300 km / h. далее
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 Russian Aviation New MC-21-300 commercial airliner has completed maiden flight
29 May 2017
On 28 May, 2017, the maiden flight of MC-21-300 commercial aircraft took place at the airfield of Irkutsk Aviation Plant, the affiliate of Irkut Corporation (a UAC member). The duration of the flight was 30 minutes at the altitude of 1000 meters, at the speed of 300 km/hour. далее
 |  | Statistics
 Roman Gusarov Russian Aviation Industry - The Results of 2016
10 May 2017
In 2016, the Russian economy continued crisis, complicated by low energy prices and the continuation of financial and economic sanctions. Key economic indicators (according to the Federal State Statistics Service) in relation to 2015: Gross domestic product - 99.3%, industrial production index - 101.1%, production index by type of activity "Manufacturing" - 100.1%. The production and scientific and technical potential of the aviation industry in Russia, mainly, ensured the fulfilment of government orders and orders of aviation companies for the creation and production of aviation equipment, as well as for industrial and civil purposes. далее
 |  | Review
 Aviation EXplorer Civil Version of Ansat Enters the Market
17 April 2017
For the domestic helicopter industry, 2016 turned out to be a successful year - the delivery of the Arctic version of the Mi-171 by state contracts has begun, the upgraded Mi-28N took off, the base certificate for the Mi-38 was received, and the promising Ka-62 made its first hover. Another major event was taking in operation of the first civilian helicopter - Ansat. далее
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 Roman Gusarov Welcome Il-76MD-90A - Civil Aircraft!
3 April 2017
May 31, 2016 in Ulyanovsk took place the flight and technical conference conference on the operation of the aircraft Il-76TD-90A. далее
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 Roman Gusarov The Engine Tests For the Il-112 Have Begun
24 January 2017
On September 15, 2016 the United Engine Corporation started testing a new turboprop TV7-117ST engine intended for the prospective Russian light military transport aircraft Il-112V. The product is developed by the team of JSC Klimov, however commercially TV7-117ST will be made in the extended cooperation between enterprises of the UEC where are JSC Salyut Gas Turbine Engineering Research and Production Centre, JSC MMBE named after. V. V. Chernyshev and others included. далее
 |  | Exclusive interview
 Roman Gusarov, Yulia Kuzmina I would like to achieve surgical precision in the business
24 January 2017
At Jet Expo 2016 exhibition was shown the business version of the Russian aircraft SSJ100 - Sukhoi Business Jet (SBJ). The machine is designed for carriage of 19 passengers in a superior cabin. The layout of business jet includes two work spaces for meetings and the main passenger cabin, also the front and rear service zones. About this and other projects, we are talking with the CEO - Developer of the Aircraft Interiors Vitali Romanyuk. далее
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 Roman Gusarov Light Military Transport Aircraft Il-112V
30 December 2016
Voronezh Aircraft Production Association (PJSC VASO) has finished an important stage of modular assembly of the first prototype (a flight sample) the light Il-112V military transport aircraft. Joining of aggregates of the fuselage of the air vehicle was executed, carried out dredging of the fuselage from a building berth and its installation on the launching chassis for the completion of works on the fuselage and with the subsequent transportation to the final assembly plant. далее
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 Roman Gusarov, Yulia Kuzmina MC-21 Is Preparing For The First Flight
30 December 2016
The Irkut Corporation continues preparations for the flight testing of the first prototype of MC-21, which rollout was June 8, 2016. At the same time with the decision of engineering and production tasks there is a large range of strength tests, to ensure the safe operation of the aircraft throughout the aircraft life cycle carried out. This work is conducted in collaboration with leading research and testing centres in Russia at framework of Comprehensive Plan to ensure the strength of the MC-21 aircraft. MC-21-300-0001 has been tested «under the electricity» and the corporation has started testing frequency. The works are held in the final assembly section of the Irkutsk Aviation plant with the participation of specialists of FSUE Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute. prof. N.E. Zhukovsky (TSAGI). далее
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 Roman Gusarov, Yulia Kuzmina Rybinsk Motors Turned 100
30 December 2016
One of the largest enterprises of United Engine Corporation PJSC NPO Saturn located to Rybinsk of the Yaroslavl region turned 100 on October 20, 2016. Born in pre-revolutionary Russia as an automobile plant, in several years it started producing aircraft engines. Today NPO Saturn is the company of a complete cycle specialising in development, production and after-sale service of the gas-turbine engines for the military and civil aviation, power generating and gas-distributing units and also power plants for the marines. далее
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 Roman Gusarov Boeing Is Fixed In Titanium Valley
26 December 2016
The world's largest aerospace company Boeing and the world leader in the production of titanium forgings for the aviation industry VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation announced the expansion of capacities of Ural Boeing Manufacturing on December 21, 2016. The new production facility will be located in the Special Economic Zone Titanium Valley, located in the territory of Sverdlovsk region. There will be performed the processing of titanium forgings within all programs of the Boeing civil aircrafts, including 787 family and new 737 MAX and 777X families, the beginning of this manufacture is scheduled for 2017. The opening of the plant is scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2018. далее
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 Nazario Cauceglia There is no secret
19 October 2016
Exclusive interview with the CEO of SuperJet International Nazario Cauceglia. далее
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 Vladimir Karnozov Farnborough’2016: focus on MC-21
10 August 2016
Commercial aircraft programs occupied the central place in the Russian exposition (Hall 1) at Farnborough Aerospace International 2016. At the static line, aircraft made in Russia were represented by the Antonov An-124-100 Ruslan ramp freighter belonging to Volga-Dnepr outsized cargo carrier and the hundred-seat Sukhoi Superjet 100 in the colors of the Irish carrier CityJet. An engineering stand of the MC-21 cockpit was avialble for inspection in Hall1. Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation held a press briefing on July 12. UAC president Yuri Slyusar focused on the MC-21, SSJ100 and next-gen widebody programs.
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 Ruaviation.com Sukhoi presented the world's first private jet designed for sports teams - Sportjet
14 July 2016
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft, the producer of the Superjet 100 new-generation regional jet for the global market, introduced the concept of a new aircraft with the cabin designed to fly professional sports teams, at Farnborough International Airshow 2016. далее