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I’ve Seen It Fly!!!
Wednesday June 21, 2017 14:06 MSK / Yulia Kuzmina
May 28, 2017 the maiden flight of a new passenger aircraft MC-21-300 took place at the airport of Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a subsidiary of PJSC Irkut Corporation (as part of the UAC). The duration of the flight was 30 minutes, it passed at an altitude of 1000 meters at a speed of 300 km / h.

But what does it mean «the maiden flight»? This is not only the first in the history of an aircraft detachment from the surface and movement in the airspace. This is a really big deal and the deal is not only in the context of stories like «How I’ve spent the summer». Such an event will be remembered for many, many years. The photos, videos will be reviewed many times.

Not to mention the fact that nine years have already passed since the maiden test flight of an aircraft developed in our country, and certainly the events of today have become the most significant for our entire country. And what can we say about factory workers, engineers, designers?! This is THE event of a lifetime for many people who participated in the creation of this aircraft.

Well, well, the applause has sounded. Champagne is empty. Press releases were sent out. But a very few people can tell how it really happened ...

The beautiful city of Irkutsk could not help but «please» with the weather. However, this spring wasn’t easy for everyone. I came there a little bit earlier just to have enough time to document everything - take pictures. The airfield was cold and windy, not to mention the rain and even at some point the hail began. By the way, thanks to this weather, the photos turned out to be more in contrast, I was very happy about it, and because of the hail one can observe beautiful shots at the very beginning of the run of the aircraft, but I’ll tell about this a bit later.

It was possible to take photos of the aircraft near the hangar in all angles on the first day.

Then the aircraft was rolled into the hangar where I also managed to take a couple of shots.

And after that the rehearsal of the maiden light for photo and video operators was scheduled. In the role of the MC-21 aircraft was An-12. We waited. It was cold, windy ... then it started raining. I pulled on the raincoat with the help of an escort guy, I thank him very much for all the help, I began shaking from the cold, but still waited. «There is no rush in aviation», - my companion said. And so the rehearsal began: take-off, one overflight, the second one, landing. I was totally wet, but was satisfied with the job I’ve done. Hooray!

The next day was even more interesting. The run of MC-21 itself. The weather wasn’t good in any possible way. When it is +13C you try to put on everything, even a winter jacket, but it’s not helping I assure you. I managed to take a couple of shots at the ramp, then I was taken to the camera point. I was waiting for a long time, the tension was growing, the weather was worsening. First it began raining, then the hail came, I got drenched. It's good that the raincoat saved the equipment, but it doesn't give much warmth. I was totally shaking from the cold. In my head the only thought was: "Well, when already? When? How will the aircraft behave in this weather? " And then the rain stopped, the clouds slightly scattered. MC-21 goes to the line up. Everything inside me froze. The rising rumble of the engines, it ran ... Pure beauty!

Well, now a few words about the most important thing. THE first flight. We arrived at the plant. The weather was beautiful. The sky was blue, beautiful clouds like in a fairy tale. I was just a little upset that I did not have time to take pictures of the aircraft being taken out of the hangar, MC-21 was already at the ramp, lit by the rays of the sun. Gorgeous! Even though there was still tension in the air, the technicians and engineers quietly conducted the preparatory work. The maiden flight after all...

Anyway…I concentrated and went working. Captured the aircraft at the ramp, went waiting for the take-off. It seemed that the waiting would never end, but now the MC-21 went to the line up. My heart froze. In the air there was just silence. It rolled ... the excitement grew ... and IT TOOK OFF! I really wanted to jump with joy and pride for all those who made it possible. You could hear the applause from afar.

I ran to the hangar. And THERE IT IS MC-21 in the air! It is flying! The applause, joyful shouts! People jump, clap, even christene ... Landing! All according to plan! The Applause! Hooray!

The aircraft was at the ramp, the airstairs truck. And they come out - Oleg Kononenko and Roman Taskaev. Heroes! They reported: the flight task was completed completely, in the normal mode, the characteristics confirmed, all systems worked without failures.

And only during moments like this you understand that this is how the history is written and you are an eyewitness. This is a great happiness for everyone: pilots, engineers, designers who took part in the preparation for the flight and the people who created this beautiful aircraft - the Long-haul Aircraft of the 21st Century. Godspeed! May the Force be with you!