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MAKS-2019: a parade of new products and innovations
Monday May 6, 2019 12:44 MSK / Aviasalon
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation continues preparations for the XIV International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2019. Oleg Bocharov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, told journalists at a press conference in Moscow about innovations in the organisation of the event and the premiers that will be held at the air show in Zhukovsky. Special attention is paid to the status of MAKS - for the first time it will be held with the partnership participation of the People's Republic of China.

"I am very pleased that today we officially announce that from August 27th to September 1st, MAKS-2019 will be held in the city of Zhukovsky. You know how many questions there were around the upcoming airshow. Thank you all that you are watching with such interest the development of one of most powerful international aerospace show in the world. "

The International Aviation and Space Salon in 2019 will be held for the first time with the partnership participation of the People’s Republic of China. This circumstance made it possible to expand the exhibition and business program of the event by presenting joint projects and discussing prospects for cooperation in a number of programs in the aerospace industry. "MAKS is traditionally in great demand among foreign colleagues. It is especially important to note that this year, at the suggestion of the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Valentinovich Manturov, the first Minister of Industry and Information of the Chinese People’s Republic, Mr. Miao Wei, at the time of the working meeting in China, agreed to become a partner of the air show , and then the governments of both countries supported this decision. And for the first time, MAKS will be held with a partner country in 2019. Russia and China have everything they need to create competitive high-tech products - material and human resources, scientific and engineering competence, the large joint market of sales ", - said A. Bocharov.

He also noted that the MAKS-2019, held in the year of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, will be one of a number of large-scale events aimed at deepening cooperation in the industrial sector: “For us, this is a landmark event. China is celebrating its 70th anniversary creation of the republic, on the one hand, and on the other - the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Soviet- and now Russian-Chinese relations. " So this year, under the leadership of the heads of relevant ministries, a regular meeting of the Sub-Commission on Industry Cooperation of the Russian-Chinese Commission on the preparation of regular meetings of heads of government will be held, the possibilities of holding special events, such as the Russian-Chinese business summit and international plenary technical session, are being worked out.

The basis of the MAKS-2019 exhibition and business program will be joint and national innovative projects of Russian and Chinese manufacturers. Deputy Director of the Industrial Equipment Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information of the People's Republic of China Minghua Qian noted that one of the key exhibits should be a full-size model of the cabin of a promising Russian-Chinese wide-body CR929 long-range aircraft. A large-scale national exposition will be presented by Chinese companies and organisations. In accordance with the agreements reached, companies from the PRC will be located in a separate, specially erected exhibition pavilion with an area of ​​at least 3 thousand square meters.

“All sectors of the national economy of the People’s Republic of China actively show their achievements in high-tech industries. And we have something to be proud of, there is something to show. I am very happy to welcome my partner, Mr. Minghua Qian, who brought a large delegation from China, and now there are daily working negotiations how the exhibition program should be saturated, how the business program should be compiled. Already there is an understanding that a joint working group will be held as part of bilateral communication, meeting of scientific circles. Certainly, there will be the largest exhibition exposition. Chinese state-owned companies have already announced that they will be presenting their products in exhibition halls. It is extremely important for us that our leadership project will be presented - the joint development of the wide-body aircraft CR929, from our Chinese colleagues, because for the first time this project was presented to the world aviation community last year at an exhibition in Zhuhai. And now in Russia at MAKS-2019 there will be our common stand. We believe that the Russian-Chinese joint project has a very big future. We have enough technological, scientific background, production capacity, joint demand, in the end, to compete at the highest level in creating such a product with world leaders like Airbus and Boeing. I think you will see a whole list of technological novels prepared by TsAGI that will be demonstrated at MAKS, showing that we have extremely ambitious goals in creating this aircraft, not only as the first joint aircraft in this class, but also as modern as possible. Tasks from the point of view of tasks for an avant-project, from the point of view of requirements for our suppliers in national markets and globally. I would like to immediately note that this is not the only such project. Due to this, many more necessary and professional negotiations on the creation of a joint heavy helicopter ended in success. The companies have initialed the agreement, and we are waiting for the dates of their official signing within the framework of this project. It should be noted that the MAKS will also become a natural crucial stage for the interaction of our engine-building corporations. In a high degree of development is the project to create a joint heavy engine. We are focusing on PD-35 for the time being, but we think that our main customers and technical conditions should be defined in the process of work. These are heavy engines that can be determined by order, with dimensions ranging from 23 to 50 tons of thrust. Here are 3 of our flagship projects. I want to say that they are leading several hundred joint development projects in various complexes and systems, ranging from electronic equipment. We expect to seriously compete, because the projects provide for the creation of conditions for two suppliers of products. These are modern challenges. We believe that we have all the power to develop the most modern units, onboard systems, calculators, components within the project. And, probably, the most important milestone in development for us will be the creation of service systems that will allow us, at the start of planning, to project all issues related to the development of the life cycle of these projects. Creating a modern distributed system of design offices is also an extremely difficult task, because it will require alignment of standards, and this is the hard work of aviation authorities. This requires the cooperation of all industries, from mining, resource, metallurgy, to such complex systems that we have to create. And most importantly - digital standards, the most modern, which must meet all stages of our joint activities. I can talk endlessly about the interaction and prospects of working with Chinese partners, since at the same time I am the chairman of the board of directors of this joint project. "

Leading domestic companies, including the United Aircraft Corporation, Roscosmos State Corporation, Russian Helicopters Holding, United Engine Corporation, Concern VKO Almaz-Antey, Corporation" Tactical Missile Armament "," Radioelectronic Technologies ", State Corporation for the Organization of Air Traffic in the Russian Federation, Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute, State transport leasing company and many other businesses have now been booked on the square and agreed on places in open pavilions.

Participation in the event of leading Russian and Chinese companies predetermined an increased interest in the salon from potential participants from different countries. Along with extensive expositions, which will be deployed by leading Russian and Chinese manufacturers of aerospace technology, MAKS-2019 will attract numerous suppliers of components, as well as services that are interested in integrating into large-scale programs implemented both in Russia and in the PRC. As a result, MAKS gives potential suppliers a unique opportunity - at one exhibition and negotiation site to show their advantages as a participant in the supply chain.

Negotiations are continuing regarding participation in MAKS-2019 and with leading global aerospace equipment manufacturers. The European Space Agency, the BDLI association, the DLR research institute, the companies and corporations Airbus, Thales, Safran, Boeing, Honeywell, BrahMos and a number of others have already confirmed their participation. Exhibit spaces for national expositions of France, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Canada, and Iran have been booked.

Referring to the models of aviation technology, which is expected to be demonstrated at MAKS-2019, O. Bocharov recalled that the two years separating the current event from the previous salon in Zhukovsky were filled with significant events for the industry. “Today, three MC-21 airplanes are involved in the flight test program at once, one of them equipped with a passenger cabin will certainly become a star in the cabin. But this does not exhaust the list of new products,” - he said. So, in 2018-2019, the newest Il-112V military transport aircraft, the Mi-38-2 transport assault helicopter, built in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Defence, the Ka-62 multi-purpose helicopter, advanced attack unmanned aerial vehicles and others aircraft. The list of military and dual-use products, which will be exhibited at MAKS-2019, is currently being updated.

"Since the past two years from the past airshow and the domestic industry, there is something to show. We certainly understand that we need to balance between the traditionally strong military aircraft industry for us and the civilian segment. We understand that this is not just a switch of industry from state defence orders to order, associated with the transport of passengers. And our aviation industry is preparing to offer a fundamentally new product - the MC-21-300 aircraft. You know, three aircraft are now taking part in the flight test program. The program will deliver the fourth car. Everything is going according to our plans. The new Il-112 light transport aircraft, which you can also see at MAKS, will show the Ilyushin design idea. This aircraft also has a serious future. According to the IL-114-300 we are often criticised that this aircraft and the production being created are not modern enough and do not meet modern challenges. I want to say that the history of aviation makes some kind of loop. At one time, the predecessors of this aircraft were very much in demand. As for his unique characteristics, we'll talk at MAKS. There we will have the most important discussion that it is cheaper for us to create this aircraft and give it the opportunity to operate on the existing infrastructure or invest in upgrading 150-200 airfields. The economy has entered our lives, so we really need this public discussion. And aircraft manufacturers are ready to take part in this discussion together with economists, the Ministry of Transport, and specialists from the Federal Air Transport Agency. We think it will be extremely interesting. "

In his speech, Bocharov also touched upon the export potential of the Russian aviation industry and its restructuring: "Issues of export potential. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Nikolayevich Kozak assigns tasks to the ministry, and Denis Valentinovich Manturov heads the work related to the national project" export. "We definitely set common evaluation criteria. There can be no competitive products in the foreign market and non-competitive in the domestic. Therefore, the export criteria should be milestone, the main motive, the main system for measuring the quality of industry preparation for modern exports that consumers put before us. You see, and we see that in the past two years there has been a powerful transformation in the same leasing system, when users want to actually receive aircraft rental. We will talk about how leasing structures, leasing schemes, leasing legislation should be developed separately. In order to ensure maximum customisation, the maximum response to the demands of consumers, aviation companies, so that they do not incur costs, so that they can quickly move from one engine to another, from one cabin to another. So that all this was provided by smart financing, such “smart finance”. Smart systems are entering our life. We see that the questions are not only to predictive analytics of the state of the aircraft. We will offer a fundamentally new program for maintaining the airworthiness of Russian technology. I think this will be one of the first and most interesting public stories that we are ready to discuss. Regional companies have already concluded certain agreements among themselves, we see how a counter-requirement system from regional companies is a counter-system of requirements, which generally changes the regulatory approaches to the maintenance of flight technology. Regions are ready to exchange their so-called first-aid kits, spare parts warehouses. Airworthiness and speed of business decision-making for us now occupies the main place. We are looking forward to the government’s decision regarding taxes and we think that a change in the value-added tax in relation to aircraft industry will lead to recalculation of all business models. Once again, intelligent government support remains our priority. Criteria should be clearly defined, reflected in the strategy, reflected in the programs. And we want these to be documents in which you, all those who are not indifferent to aviation, and all those who use aviation services, could find specific answers to existing questions. Understanding how export will be overcome, and absolute confidence that Russia has the most powerful potential to be among the world leaders in the aircraft industry. "

The upcoming airshow traditionally will delight aviation lovers with a rich flight program. The agreement has been received to participate in the MAKS-2019 of the Air and Space Forces of Russia, and the format and conditions for the participation of the flight teams are currently being determined. Negotiations are also being held on the composition of the participants in the demonstration program on the part of the United Aircraft Building Corporation and the Russian Helicopters holding. Invitations to take part in the show are sent to foreign aerobatic teams from Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania and Kazakhstan.

The International Aviation and Space Exhibition MAKS-2019 will be held from August 27th to September 1st in Zhukovsky town, Moscow Region in accordance with the Government Decree of 30th October 2017 No. 2403-p and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20th, 2018 No. 2523-p . The organisers of the event are the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the State Corporation to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products Rostec. Organiser of the MAKS-2019 is OJSC Aviasalon.