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New Dream Aero Flight Simulator In Vegas Mall
Sunday September 30, 2018 23:52 MSK / Roman Gusarov, Yulia Kuzmina
September 20, 2018 at the Moscow shopping and entertainment center Vegas held the grand opening of the new flight simulator Boeing 737-800 Full Flight Simulator made by the Dream Aero company .

The guests of the opening ceremony, who were lucky enough to be in the exact replica of the Boeing 737-800 cockpit stylised for the aircraft of the Rossiya airline fleet, surrounded by instruments, sensors, special indicators and controls completely identical to the real ones, had the opportunity to feel as pilots of a large passenger airliner .

In addition to the simulator, which worked continuously for everyone, guests were offered special gifts for participating in the #rossiyattvoipolet event prepared by the Rossiya airline together with Dream Aero. In addition, there were drawn certificates for a free flight by Boeing 737-800 Full Flight Simulator and aviation souvenirs with the symbols of Rossiya airline.


The flight simulator is built on the basis of a simulator, similar to that used for training professional civil aviation pilots. Dream Aero constantly improves the quality of its services with each new project by sharing experiences with existing airlines in order to provide visitors with the most realistic flight experience. With the help of experts from the information partner of the project, the Rossiya airline the developers of Dream Aero created a product that meets the highest world standards.

Dream Aero simulators can be used not only for active family rest or organisation of corporate events. With their help, it is possible to effectively combat such a fairly common phenomenon as aerophobia, so this kind of flight simulators allow more and more people to enjoy not only virtual flights, but real ones.

The official representative of the Rossiya airline Sergei Starikov: «In 2014, when the Rossiya airline" began this cooperation with the Dream Aero company, no one thought that everyone can go beyond the role of a passenger and fly the simulator of the aircraft as a pilot. For us, this partnership with Dream Aero is important. We want to unveil a little secret to the passengers that aviation transport is the safest transport of all. The airline itself can only show bare statistics and say that it's safe. But this does not eliminate the natural fear of flying. But when you yourself can go into the cockpit and understand why and how the aircraft flies, how many systems are achieved and provided security, even try to prevent these systems from working properly, muffle the engine, simulate turbulence, get into the wildest thunderstorm that only you can imagine, and you will see how a modern aircraft is coping with these situations, you really understand that aviation is really safe. And if such an airplane is still managed by an experienced pilot, then surely nothing can happen. Dream Aero has such experienced pilots-instructors, who can give any professional advice». 

Dmitry Igorevich Kornyshkov-Murin, the CEO of Dream Aero: «I am pleased to announce today the opening of the next Dream Aero centre of the Boeing 737-800 simulator. Now there is another opportunity to try to feel how to be an aircraft pilot. For someone it is to touch your dream or look into the unknown. We all often fly, but the opportunity to look into the cockpit of the pilots is a very difficult dream. Because it is necessary to study at least 5 years in an aviation school. Now it became possible, moreover, to feel like a pilot with the help of our instructor.»

- Dmitry Igorevich, externally and functionally your simulator does not differ from simulators installed in aviation training centres.

- Professional training simulators are installed in aviation training centres. Our simulator is not inferior to them in terms of functionality and not much in matching the management of a real airplane, but we are playing in another league. We are not certified for professional training, our equipment is purely entertaining. The equipment itself, naturally, turns out to be cheaper, the operational requirements are not so rigid, hence, the cost of operation is much lower, and therefore, it's cheaper to fly.

- So this is absolutely original development, including mathematics?

-     Math and avionics is ours. Mathematics is the most expensive thing that is in the simulator. In this simulator it is as close as possible to the real Boeing 737-800. The cabin corresponds to a real aircraft by 95%. These are the assessments of the current pilots who flew on our simulators. They say that it is very similar. Of course there are differences, for example, in the efforts at the helm, there are differences in mathematics. Therefore, it is not intended for professional training.

- Do you develop and produce it yourself?

- Yes, we develop and produce it ourselves. We produce in Russia, in the Republic of Tatarstan. Of course, we do not do every detail ourselves. For example, panels, control buttons, we do ourselves physically on machines. And it's understandable that we buy components of the platform from other suppliers. This is such a symbiosis, but a significant part of the production takes place in our shop. This is not in any case not assembly, but real production.

- How many simulators do you have now?

-Right now we have already installed 8 simulators and another 10 are in production. They are installed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and even in Dubai. And many more where it is planned. Moreover, 7 out of 8 simulators have been installed in the last year and a half.

- So you see the prospect of producing such entertainment devices? Do you exploit them?

- There is demand, because it is interesting. And we exploit them ourselves. As in any business, there are pitfalls and complexities. Of course not all of our simulators work equally commercially successfully. We have more profitable points, there are less profitable points. But we are still developing this direction, we are interested. Initially it was generally a hobby. I had a hobby that turned into a business, so we will still do it. Another thing is that there are remote geographical locations, which we can not simply physically cover today. Therefore, we are currently working on a franchise program. Soon it will be possible to purchase a simulator and franchise.

- Is this your first simulator in Moscow?

- In Moscow, this is the second simulator. The first was installed a year and a half ago in Afimall. There is also Boeing 737NG. Here is the same type of aircraft, but a slightly modified model. Soon we are planning to install the Airbus A320 also in Moscow.

- And on these simulators can fly any without restrictions?

Anyone from 8 to 80 years. We have pilots - instructors who will tell and show: how to fly, how to land a plane. You can simulate any weather conditions, any airport in the world, fly from anywhere in the world to any point. You can try all sorts of abnormal situations, for example, turn off the engine. In general, everything that can be with a real airplane can be repeated in our simulator.

- Do you have special programs for those who are afraid to fly?

- There are specifically special programs for the treatment of aerophobia. But, let's just say, aerophobia has a psychosomatic reason, so it's more appropriate to work together with a psychologist. But in any course of fighting aerophobia, there are practical exercises on the airplane, because people are afraid of what they do not know. When they understand what happens to an airplane, why it flies, at what expense physical forces, how reliable it is and what happens at one time or another, starting from the sounds that a person hears in the cabin in the cabin, being a passenger and realising that at this moment the pilot does, he immediately becomes calmer.

- What is the essence of your cooperation with the Rossiya airline?

- The Rossiya airline is our informational partner. It provides us with consulting and marketing support. We partly pursue common goals - this is the popularisation of aviation.

- What is the amount of investment in this project?

- The total investment in the plant that produces these simulators, and we are engaged in the development and manufacture of other products, not only aviation simulators, we have other developments, also associated with mobile platforms, is more than 20 million euros. This is a large Russian project, and it is designed for many years. The payback of the project is stretched in time.

- How much does it cost to fly?

- Fly - the minimum cost is 4900 rubles for half an hour, while we have discounts. This price for the flight, while in the cabin can be up to 3 people, that is, if you want, you can change places. With this in mind, the three will get a more affordable price. Also there are special discounts, for example, on Birthday, bonus time on weekdays, etc.

- Do you have a website where you can, for example, order a flight for a group of schoolchildren?

- Yes, we have a site you can book time. The only thing is better to do it in advance, because in certain seasons there are queues for several weeks ahead. We also cooperate with educational institutions, schools. We even have our own charity program when we invite children to fly for free, talk about planes, give the opportunity to feel like pilots. In this sense, we are always open, there is time that we are ready and free to provide with prior approval.