|  | Interview
 AVIA.RU Yuri Slyusar: On the most important things in the aviation industry over the past year
30 December 2023
On the eve of the New Year, Yuri Borisovich Slyusar, General Director of the United Aircraft Corporation, spoke about the results of the outgoing year and plans for the future. далее
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 Roman Gusarov / AVIA.RU New simulators for Russian aircraft
1 October 2024
On September 21, 2023, the inauguration of the new training center of PJSC Yakovlev (part of UAC PJSC of Rostec State Corporation) took place at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. The new simulator center is managed by a specially created subsidiary of PJSC Yakovlev - RATA Aviation Training Center, whose tasks include training of aviation personnel for domestically produced aircraft. Now Skolkovo has a full-flight simulator and an emergency rescue training simulator for the SSJ-100 aircraft, which were previously located at the Gromov Research Institute in Zhukovsky. As the participants of the solemn event noted, with the opening of the site in "Skolkovo", the ATC's throughput capacity will increase significantly, as well as its transportation accessibility will improve. And this is not all the advantages. As you know, this building previously housed simulators of Boeing, which "solemnly" left the country. In addition to a large number of rooms for theoretical training, by its technical characteristics and infrastructure the building can accommodate four full-flight simulators. But PJSC Yakovlev's plans are not limited to this, and they are very ambitious. далее
| |  |  | Analytical review
 Roman Gusarov Superjet on sanctions
27 March 2022
After the West imposed sanctions on the fleet of aircraft of Russian airlines, voices began to be heard from all sides: where are our native Superjets, why are there so few of them, why are there so many foreign components in them, and in general, who is to blame for all this? The most amazing thing is that many of the voices are those who recently said "I will never fly a Superjet", and some even suggested closing the project and returning to the production of Soviet aircraft. Well, it's time, apparently, to give "all sisters earrings." далее
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 United Aircraft Corporation MC-21-300 is being tested for compliance with the requirements for noise level on the ground
24 May 2021
At the Ramenskoye airfield in Zhukovsky near Moscow, there is a unique acoustic measuring base equipped with a system of high-precision microphones. It works in conjunction with the flying laboratory of aerological sounding based on the Mi-8AMT helicopter, a ground specialized meteorological station, a trajectory measurement system, a flight experiment control system with a telemetric communication channel, an experimental data processing system and an air traffic control system to ensure a "silence mode" during tests. The measuring base provides determination of the noise levels generated during takeoff and landing of the MC-21-300 aircraft. This is part of the aircraft's certification flight tests. далее
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 Roman Gusarov New A-Technics MRO hangar in Sheremetyevo
19 April 2021
On April 9th, 2021, a presentation of the new hangar complex of Aeroflot airline took place at Sheremetyevo International Airport, the operator of which is the aircraft maintenance and repair provider A-Technics. This hangar will concentrate heavy maintenance (C-check and higher) of wide-body aircraft. далее
| |  |  | Review
 Ruaviation Shine always and everywhere!
09.03.21 15:32 
Who among us has not stopped in front of the windows at the airport, fascinated by the life on the other side - on the field? Especially in the evening when everything glows and flickers. However, this riot of light and color is not only meant to please the eye. The headlights allow the crew to see what is happening around the aircraft. And the lighthouses make the liner visible both on foggy mornings and on dark nights. Professionally speaking, the lights of the liner that we see from the outside are external lighting equipment. далее
| |  |  | Future technology
 Roman Gusarov Leo.CRM - to know more about the client than he knows about himself
19 February 2021
A modern person lives not only in a real - natural, but also in a virtual - electronic environment, which form an information space around us. Moreover, the machines have learned to form this space for each person individually, whether it is cognitive content that matches your interests, or commercial offers that may interest you. Yes, if you receive a commercial offer, then, most likely, it was formed by marketers and advertisers using "smart" electronic systems, working under the supervision and on the instructions of specialists. We will tell you how it works in aviation using the Leonardo.CRM system from the Russian company Sirena as an example. далее
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 Roman Gusarov Remote certification
12.01.21 16:02 
A-Group, Rossiya Airlines (part of the Aeroflot Group) and Sheremetyevo International Airport presented to the public a new hangar complex for aviation maintenance of Aeroflot Group aircraft. далее
| |  |  | History and present
 AVIA.RU 90 years of CIAM
3 December 2020
On December 3, 2020, one of the fundamental organizations of the domestic aircraft industry celebrates its 90th anniversary, without which, probably, not a single aircraft could take off - the Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov (CIAM) is the only scientific organization in Russia that carries out a full cycle of research required for the creation of aircraft engines and gas turbine plants based on them, as well as scientific and technical support for products in operation. далее
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 Vladimir Karnozov Gentlemen play by the rules as long as they suit them
9 November 2020
On May 21, 2020, the White House decided to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty. Traditionally, before withdrawing from an international agreement, the United States conducts a massive information attack in order to explain to the world community that they are forced to take such a step due to the fact that other parties to the agreement do not comply with it. Let's try to figure out what are the real reasons why the Open Skies Treaty has now ceased to suit the initiator of this agreement - the United States of America. далее
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 Andrey Popov Aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: Work in any conditions
3 September 2020
At present, in the aviation of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) there are over 2 thousand highly qualified specialists, 82 aircraft, including 22 aircraft and 60 helicopters. далее
| |  |  | Interview
 RVS Strength and Faithfulness Test
5 June 2020
Doctors are always at the forefront, regardless of time of day, geography and circumstances. In the hectic weekdays, their work often goes unnoticed. The pandemic made adjustments: now the work of doctors is in focus, everyone is trying to help those who spend many hours every day in suits and masks, saving lives. For doctors, the current situation is a test of fortitude and loyalty to the profession. The modern healthcare system is a high-tech structure in which over 560 thousand specialists work and a special place in this multicomponent organisation is occupied by the network of Disaster Medicine Centres. далее
| |  |  | Future technology
 Vladimir Karnozov Safran: “We are open to increasing the Russian share in the production of components”
17 January 2020
According to the statements of individual Russian officials and industrialists, the inflated prices of foreign components are the reason for the low competitiveness of the only model of a passenger airliner in our country - Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100). Will domestic suppliers be able to challenge eminent American companies by offering manufacturers of aircraft and its power plant more favourable terms for the delivery of complex shapes from titanium alloys and other advanced structural materials? We tried to understand this topic by contacting the manufacturers directly. далее
| |  |  | Article
 Ruaviation The President and Aviation
20 November 2019
An unknown pilot congratulated the president of Russia on his birthday, leaving the inscription VVP67 in the sky of Los Angeles. This is not the only episode linking the Russian president with aviation. далее
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 Ruaviation Flygskam Battlefield
13 November 2019
The aviation industry intends to launch a campaign to counter the growing Flygskam movement led by Greta Thunberg. The name of this movement literally translates as “ashamed to fly” and reflects the worldview of an increasing part of Western youth who refuse to use the services of air transport. The campaign is carried out due to the fact that in Europe there is a serious decrease in demand for air travel. далее
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