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Flight Safety Foundation International

The goals of the FSFI as an independent non-government organization are to enhance flight safety in the Russian Federation and the CIS Member States by means of:

  • Encouraging and fostering co-operation among all aviation interests in adopting and following safe operating practices as a top priority.
  • Collecting and analyzing information on all aspects of flight safety in Russia and the CIS Member States and disseminating it among the FSFI Corporate Members.
  • Holding national and international conferences, seminars or workshops on the most important flight safety issues.
  • Consulting on R & D works in Russia and the CIS Member States which may considerably improve the safety of operations.
  • Pooling efforts with Corporate Members, government agencies, manufacturers, academies and operators on the development and implementation of such advanced technologies and projects as satellite air navigation systems, new routes over Siberia and the Far East, etc.
  • Improving the legal regime of airspace use through working on the Air Code of the Russian Federation at the State Duma.
  • Training Russian pilots, ATC officers, engineers and airline executives in general and professional English at educational centers (e.g. Anglo-Continental Educational Group, Bournemouth) in the UK.
  • Facilitating contacts between Russian regulatory authorities, industry and scientists and their foreign counterparts with the purpose of exchange of information and further developing culture of safety.
  • Undertaking confidential safety audit or assessment programs that identify areas of strengths and weakness in operations so that suitable corrective and enhancement actions can be taken.
  • Encouraging the development of a culture of safety and international and domestic regulatory compliance among all aviators and maintenance technicians.
  • Introducing the Voluntary Incident Reporting System into Civil Aviation in Russia.
  • Recognizing outstanding achievements of Russian and the CIS' aviators in the field of flight safety through special Awards:
  • Heroism, Courage and Resourcefulness Award
  • Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Flight Safety Award
  • Outstanding Contributions to Enhancement of Flight Safety After the Name of M. P. Simonov, Sukhoy Bureau General Designer, Award
  • Contributions to Appreciation of Flight Safety's Importance by Journalists Award.

The FSFI cooperates very closely with the Flight Safety Foundation (USA) in Washington, ICAO, IATA, ATCA, IFALPA, IFATCA, IAOPA, Interstate Aviation Committee (MAC) and other international organizations. Understanding the importance of international experience and its implementation into practice, we maintain fruitful business contacts with national aviation authorities, including the FAA and the European Commission for Civil Aviation, major Russian and foreign operators and industry leaders. Among our Corporate Members (about 60) are the State Corporation of Airspace Use and ATC (Moscow) as well as all local (regional) ATC and ATM branches, the Ministry for Civil Aviation (State Civil Aviation Service), Air Force units, airlines, manufactures, design bureaux, aviation research institutes, training centers, insurance companies and mass media.

37 Leningradsky Prospect, Moscow, 125993, Russia
Tel.: +74951556535, 155-6537
Fax: +7 (495) 151-7841

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